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Real People • beautiful places • Timeless Memories
With the impact of COVID-19 and the reopening of Nashville businesses in phases, I have chosen to minimize the use of my studio for the duration of the quarantine. I am now offering my studio-only mini session, called the Studio Sampler, through Summer OUTDOORS at any agreed upon nearby location for families and kids at […]
Congratulations to the Class of 2020! This “interesting” senior year is behind you, and your sights are now set on your future! The Class of 2020 was my largest group of seniors to photograph yet, and I’m sure 2021 will bring even more amazing seniors to khp, including my very own senior, my son […]
[pp_gallery id=”4737″]Wow. What a few months it has been. One minute I was preparing to head to Disney for Spring Break and return to a hectic schedule shooting an entire flag football league, and the next thing you know we are in lockdown, sharing memes and homeschooling! I definitely didn’t see that coming. Mayor Cooper […]
You have probably taken down your decorations by now (don’t look my way!) and maybe, if you were like me, you took time during the break to do a little cleaning and organizing. Marie Kondo would not be impressed, but I did shampoo my carpets, organize a few stacks of mail, clean out my closet […]
Happy New Year! I’m excited for a new year (is this the year the Jetsons lived in on their cartoon years ago?) and a new decade at khp! That’s right! September marked the end of my TENTH year in business. I’m taking a moment to let that sink in. Most photography businesses last less than […]