
What to do with your 2019 photos? Photo Challenge | nashville family & child photographer

You have probably taken down your decorations by now (don’t look my way!) and maybe, if you were like me, you took time during the break to do a little cleaning and organizing. Marie Kondo would not be impressed, but I did shampoo my carpets, organize a few stacks of mail, clean out my closet and reorganize my desk.  That’s not nothing!

Have you thought about organizing your 2019 photos? Here’s a quiz, how many photos are on your camera roll from 2019? I know that I have a LOT. Right now, overall, I have 8,000 images on my phone. So here’s the question, do your phone photos exist anywhere other than on your phone? And before you brag about having shared them to social media, remember that you don’t own those photos, and any of those platforms could disappear tomorrow and poof! those memories would be gone.

Artifact uprising is an awesome company that helps you create beautiful keepsakes from your everyday moments. Because when your 3 year old is 15, she really isn’t going to remember going to Disney, or the Zoo, or even afternoons at the park with her bestie. And frankly, you may not either.  Artifact Uprising has issued a Photo Challenge to us all to find the photos that shaped your year.  And while your photos may not be as pro worthy as the images they show for inspiration with this challenge, the concept is there and bears repeating. So go take a look at the challenge, gather up your favorite 2019 photos, and get to printing!  You can find out more about the Artifact Uprising Challenge here:   And here’s a code to get 25% off your Everyday Photo Book from A.U., but hurry, sale ends Tuesday!  Use code: EPB25

And when you have all your photos, create something amazing at Artifacts Uprising, or create a chatbooks account, move those photos into a folder for chatbooks on your phone, link it to your chatbooks account, and chatbooks will do the rest!  Chatbooks can be set up to print 60 of your phone images, as you save them to a specific folder (or social media account like Instagram) and mail the book to you AUTOMATICALLY!  I absolutely LOVE this service.  All of my phone images marked “favorite” end up here. We have a basket of about 2 dozen books (5×5 size) and the kids and I look through them often.  Bonus that they cost $10 each and I know my phone images are PRINTED!!

The cheapest option of all is worth mentioning:  FREE 4×6 prints! There are several online sources that will allow you to print a bundle of 4×6 prints each year at absolutely no cost. Yup, free. gives you 100 free 4×6 prints monthly when you download the app, and gives you 1000 free 4×6 prints when you sign up.  You seriously have NO excuse!

So get to printing, people!  Make sure 2019 is not forgotten! #printwhoyoulove

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