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I was so excited to meet this little guy I could barely wait.  I heard that he was sportin’ some ‘rolls’ that would make Sister Schubert jealous and he did not disappoint.  Cutest baby ever.  Wait til you see!!  Mom & Dad drove him up from Alabama for a little khp time and we had […]

those rolls look good on you [six month old] | Nashville Baby Studio Outdoor Custom Photography

babies, families, outdoor, studio, urban

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Sometimes it takes a few tries to get a decent weather day in January.  Shooting outdoors in Tennessee in the Winter definitely requires some flexibility.  So it didn’t surprise me when we rescheduled this session twice due to less than favorable outdoor conditions.  I’m so glad we waited, though, because we hit the jackpot with […]

so much fun! [first outdoor session of 2012] | Nashville Urban Family Photography

families, Uncategorized, urban

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February 23, 2010. one year ago.  a frail, thin, 3 and a half year old boy was brought to an orphanage’s door in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.  The workers took him in, cleaned him up and took what would forever be the first photos on record of him in his entire life. He was small for […]

that’s what love can do [a year later] | Nashville Tennessee Adoption Photographer

b&w, children, families, Uncategorized, urban

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