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baby plan

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I am so excited to give you a glimpse into the wonderful session we had today at the new downtown Franklin studio!  Matthew brought his parents down to the new digs for a look around and to have his first baby planner session.  It was so comfy and cozy there that sweet baby Matthew had […]

sneak for matthew [4 months] | baby planner Franklin Nashville Baby First Year Studio Photographer

b&w, babies, baby plan, families, studio

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Good things come to those who wait, that’s how the saying goes, right?  In this case, it isn’t something good but something absolutely perfect.  10 fingers, 10 toes and all around amazing.  That’s what came to the wonderful B family when their first born arrived.  Sweet baby Matthew.  I must admit, he has been my […]

well worth the wait…| Nashville Newborn Baby Custom Photography

babies, baby plan, families

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sweet baby Grady…where do I begin?  He was shy and reserved at our first meeting, back when he was all of 3 months old (original post here) .  His adorable parents were so proud of their cute little boy (as they should be!)  We met again when he was sitting and oh how he squealed […]

look who is one! [baby planner] | Nashville First Year Photography

b&w, babies, baby plan, families

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18 months ago, I met this sweet, quiet, sleepy bundle of goodness.  Baby Charlie.  Little brother to 4 amazing (and gorgeous) brothers and sisters.  His newborn session preceded this blog, so here’s a peek at a few of our favorites from his first days. Little Charlie grew and grew.  Funny how they do that.  Before […]

a journey to toddlerhood | Brentwood First Year Baby Plan Custom Photographer

b&w, babies, baby plan, children, families, images & products, Uncategorized

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