There is nothing sweeter than when my friends and clients refer me to their friends. It lets me know how much they love what I do. And that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside! Veronica suggested that Jackie call me when she asked for a recommendation for a family photographer. I’m so glad she did!!! Jackie wanted a more ‘catch them as they are” approach, which I loved! We had a great time Friday morning with these absolutely adorable kids who were funny little people. I truly had a fantastic time with this gorgeous family. I LOVE what I do!!!
With 3 kids 5 and under, I would imagine that there is lots of scampering of little feet in their household. And we know that all too soon those feet start heading in different directions. I love how this next image captures this time in their lives. I hope you guys love it too!
Mom & Dad, you’ll have plenty of images to choose from, but here’s 3 to consider for your “over the couch” project?
can you see these over the couch, Jackie???
Thanks for the memories, B family!!! Look forward to even more adorableness in a few weeks!!
parting shot: