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A little over a year ago, with a lot of (not so) gentle prodding from the world’s most amazing friends and family, I started up an itty bitty photography business.  I don’t know if I was even comfortable saying “I’m a photographer” for several months into the journey!  A few loyal friends became my first […]

Happy 1st Anniversary! What a ride…|Nashville Custom Child Family Photography

b&w, babies, children, commercial, families, lifestyle, Personal, Uncategorized, wedding

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Last summer, as I was getting my business off the ground, the M family was quick to jump on board and get their feet wet (nearly literally) for Maggie’s 2 year portrait and some great images of the kids together.  The kids were awesome, and we got some great images from that day at the […]

Even Cuter the 2nd Time Around|Brentwood Nashville Custom Child & Family Photographer

b&w, children, families, lifestyle

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There is nothing sweeter than when my friends and clients refer me to their friends.  It lets me know how much they love what I do.  And that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!  Veronica suggested that Jackie call me when she asked for a recommendation for a family photographer.  I’m so glad […]

The Pitter Patter of Little Feet|Bellevue/Nashville Custom Family Photographer

b&w, babies, children, families, lifestyle, Uncategorized

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It was one year ago today that my sweet friend Kristi brought her daughter, Lucy Lane, home from Ethiopia and introduced her to the rest of her family.  What an amazing journey they have taken over the last 2 years as they began the process of adopting, traveled to Africa to meet her and the […]

Happy 1 Year Home!|Brentwood Child Photographer

b&w, babies, lifestyle, Personal

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I’m headed out of town for a few days to take my boys to see their Meemaw and to capture a friend’s brand new baby’s first days of life.  But before I go, I just had to share a few images from an amazing session that I had tonight with the L family.  When I […]

L Family Sneak Peek|nashville family custom photography

b&w, children, families, lifestyle

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