the favorite khp images of 2011 contest | Nashville Franklin Custom Family Child Photographer

It is here!  The annual Favorite Images of the Year contest!  If you are a Facebook user, head on over to the karenhalbert photography page and find your favorite image from below and “like” it.  You know how that works.  And if you aren’t on Facebook?  No problem!  Just direct your friends right here to this blog entry and have them leave a comment telling me which image number is their favorite!  Both locations will earn you votes, but no duplicates!!!  Either vote on the FB image OR leave a comment here.

Here are the contest images and the rules.  The rules were pretty easy to make up but selecting the images to feature for the contest was an overwhelming feat!  There were so many awesome clients this year (as in ALL!!!) that I couldn’t feature each one’s special image or else this would’ve been the largest contest ever!!!  My apologies to those who didn’t have an image selected for the contest.  Please know that it wasn’t personal!!  I had over 75 favorites at first but made myself narrow it down!!

Voting ends at 8:ooPM Central Time on Friday night, February 3 and the winner will be announced on Saturday, February 4th (which is an awesome day for a birthday, ahem!!)  So vote and get your friends to vote, too!  Good luck to all!

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