
the cards are coming! the cards are coming!|Nashville Family Photography

While the weather doesn’t exactly have us all thinking scarves and hot cocoa, it definitely is time to think about this Holiday season’s greeting cards!

You know how every year you say that THIS year you are going to have your picture taken, your cards purchased, envelopes addressed and stamped and in the mail by December 1?  I’m here to make that dream a reality!  Think of how much less stressful December would be if you knew you had one (major) task completed before November even ended!

Introducing the Holiday 2010 line of Christmas and Seasonal greeting cards from karenhalbert photography!  I have hand selected these custom cards to meet any style, from whimsical to regal!  Each card is fully customizable, from color to font, wording to image count!  And each press printed card has a design or full image for the back as well (not shown).

Pick out your favorite and plan your holiday images accordingly!  Be sure to watch the blog later in the week as I reveal something new and fun that will make getting your family holiday image even easier!!

web2010 holiday cards from khp

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