This week I had a blast with my friend Natalie and a few of her friends. She invited the girls and all of their gorgeous babies to meet me for a portrait party! Don’t know what one is? At a portrait party, you invite your friends to book mini sessions with me, in 30 minute increments, for a mini session price and, 2 weeks later, each guest has a private online gallery and some great, simple packages to choose from! Sound like something you and your friends are interested in? Contact me and I’ll give you the skinny!
Ok, so back to THIS party. Natalie’s friends were great (and super punctual – thank you girls!!!!) and their little ones were adorable! There were itty bitties, 2 sets of toddling twins, and some other cuties all under the age of 5! I acted a little silly, busted out the bubbles and we had fun! Ladies, I have lots of sweet images of your little ones, so worry not! Here are a few just to give you an idea of what’s coming your way! Enjoy your sneak peek and feel free to leave a comment and let me know how you like them!
Natalie’s cuties:
Natalie’s sis-in-law, Jenny’s toddling twin baby girls:
this is just sooo adorable!
You may recognize these sweet big sisters from their session with their new baby brother here. They were back and baby H has grown so much! You’ll have to wait to see him, though.
Is that a smile I see from little Miss M?
Next we had a sweet family of twin toddling boys and brand new baby sister! Mom looked amazing, by the way…
the boys, wearing their new big brother faces! "don't mess with our sister!"
sweet baby sister
The big girl of the day arrived ever so politely with her darling two year old brother. These two were sweet together and I was glad to be able to provide mom with 4 yr portraits of her ‘baby’ girl!
And wrapping up the morning was the cutest little button of a baby girl, who was not yet even 2 weeks old! She was the perfect model and didn’t even mind being in her birthday suit outside!
I nearly tried to pack her up with my gear...she was that adorable!
If this event looks like something you and your friends would enjoy, let me know and I’d be happy to share the details with you. We can do formal images, lifestyle portraits, or something in between!
Parting shot: