
khp is on the road, Summer Camp Style!

I’m headed to E Tennessee for the next week to photograph Hillsboro Church of Christ’s Summer Camp for grades 5-12.  It’s a great tradition and one I am so glad to be a part of.  This is my 3rd year, and Tyler’s 3rd year, too!  It is a great way to donate my time and share a special tradition with my son.  I hope he continues to want to go until he graduates High School!


It’s crazy in 2018 to go somewhere only 2 hours away that is so disconnected from the world.  No Verizon coverage, no wifi…of course I have to bring my laptop and editing equipment, but no internet for me this week.  It’s a welcome change, though I do wonder how things are back home!

I can’t wait to document all the fun these kids will be having.  See you in a week!

If you need me, send me an email.  I’ll be sure to respond when I return! Happy Summer!

parting shot:

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