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Real People • beautiful places • Timeless Memories
Believe it or not, my kids are heading back to school. My oldest actually had his first full day today! Fall is around the corner, and typically the last few weeks of Summer before school starts it is down right horrid outside. But not this Summer! We have had one of the mildest Tennessee Summers […]
It may be hot outside (my car said 96 degrees today!) but it’s perfect in the studio! These cute brothers popped in this morning and shared their smiles with me. Mom looked amazing as well and I asked her to jump in with her boys for a few images, too. So glad she did! parting […]
When you travel to other parts of the country you learn a simple truth…family is family. Communities are similar, though the faces change. We took our annual trip to see our Massachusetts friends over 4th of July weekend and I was honored to be asked to do a family session for this sweet family. Sure, […]
It isn’t every day (or every year!) that I get the opportunity to photograph brand new triplets! It was a magical and amazing as you might imagine. The miracle of new life times 3! Three gorgeous, perfect, tiny (each little one was under just 5 pounds!) amazing babies, a mere 3 weeks old and yet […]
Congratulations for another successful year at school for both of my boys! Tyler has finally settled in and enjoyed school this year for the first time ever and Jack graduated from elementary school, a bittersweet moment for us both. Our new school schedule gives us a mere 8 weeks of Summer, and we intend to […]