
3 times the joy! [triplet newborn session] | Nashville Franklin Triplet Multiples Newborn Studio Session

It isn’t every day (or every year!) that I get the opportunity to photograph brand new triplets!  It was a magical and amazing as you might imagine.  The miracle of new life times 3!  Three gorgeous, perfect, tiny (each little one was under just 5 pounds!) amazing babies, a mere 3 weeks old and yet still 3 weeks from their due date!!

Knowing the task I had before me, I asked Melissa of Melissa Dudek Photography to assist me.  It was awesome to have a 2nd photographer’s assistance.  Thanks, Melissa!  Couldn’t have done it without you!

Here they are, fresh and new.

The girls, because ladies always go first.

And the handsome man of the hour.

Mom and Dad are so excited to have their babies home and in their arms.  Yes, their arms are full, but their hearts are even more full and blessed beyond measure!

May I formally introduce…



and Lucy.


As little as the babies are today, I know in just a minute they will be big as can be and these moments will be memories.  I hope that these images will help Mom and Dad remember those first days, with all the late night feedings and whirlwind that bringing home three babies can bring to a new family.  Thank you ever so much, Audra & Cole, for the privilege of capturing this amazing moment for you.  I loved every second of our time together.  Enjoy getting to know these three fantastic little people!

parting shot:

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