Category-specific content To Guide You Down the Right Path
Real People • beautiful places • Timeless Memories
Merry Christmas to all of my clients, fellow photographers and other friends! May 2011 be an amazing year for all of you!
Santa is packing his sleigh…getting ready to hit the road in just 18 days (as my son likes to announce each morning, afternoon and evening!) In order to give the elves time to prepare and print your custom photography orders, I must ask for all holiday orders guaranteed by December 24 delivery to be placed […]
The staff at khp are hitting the road for a little R&R because sometimes you need to feel the magic. With limited email access the office will be closed 10/16 – 10/23. Happy Fall break!
A little over a year ago, with a lot of (not so) gentle prodding from the world’s most amazing friends and family, I started up an itty bitty photography business. I don’t know if I was even comfortable saying “I’m a photographer” for several months into the journey! A few loyal friends became my first […]
Hot off the press! A brand new book customizable for your child from their session! Isn’t this the cutest? It technically isn’t OFF the press yet…in fact, it is on its way there tonight. Just thought you might want to catch a sneak peek before it comes in. And, well, I was just so excited […]