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Real People • beautiful places • Timeless Memories
Santa Claus is making two special stops in Nashville at my khp studio this Fall to join all the khp families, gather their wish lists, tell them who has been naughty or nice, and spread some needed Christmas cheer before he heads to the North Pole to prepare for the Christmas season. Head over to […]
With the impact of COVID-19 and the reopening of Nashville businesses in phases, I have chosen to minimize the use of my studio for the duration of the quarantine. I am now offering my studio-only mini session, called the Studio Sampler, through Summer OUTDOORS at any agreed upon nearby location for families and kids at […]
Celia is December’s super kid and just wait til you see her smiling face! She’s a 5 yr. old super star, who loves Frozen, dancing, music, and spreads joy everywhere she rolls! Celia came to the studio for her Super Kid session and was featured with Corey Fager, and even hung out with me […]
Happy New Year! I’m excited for a new year (is this the year the Jetsons lived in on their cartoon years ago?) and a new decade at khp! That’s right! September marked the end of my TENTH year in business. I’m taking a moment to let that sink in. Most photography businesses last less than […]
Callie – September Super Kid Meet Callie. She’s strong, brave, an awesome big sister and a rockstar Kindergartener. Callie was born with Down syndrome as well as a congenital heart defect. She had open heart surgery in January of 2018 to repair her defect. She also has reactive airway disease that requires the use of […]