Wonder what a photographer does during the winter? Well, besides revamp marketing pieces, administrative work and equipment upgrades, there is a good bit of studio work. Lots of babies are born and birthdays are celebrated. Ages 2 & 5 are important years to document with professional pictures, as our little ones change so much at those ages. And of course, there is that amazing first year where, every time we turn around, our sweet babies are changing right before our eyes. But, perhaps most monumental of all and one of my favorite ages to capture, is the right of passage known as “turning 1.” Our babies are becoming toddlers, and this is a cause to celebrate and to remember. What better way to do this than with a 1 year old session that includes a Cake Smash? It is fun, messy, exciting and most importantly, something you’ll never want to forget.
This past week Baby Braylon came to the studio, joined by his big sister, for such an event. You’ll have to check back here in a few days to see his adorable little face all caught up in cake!
I’m working on some new print packages, and one that I’m busy refining is “The Baby Plan.” Images at newborn, 3 month, 6 month and 9 months of age, followed by a one year photo session complete with a Smash Cake experience! Purchase the package and receive this gorgeous, unique Storyboard of your little one’s Cake Smash to adorn your walls!
Lucy Lane's Cake Smash Storyboard
If you are interested in the details of “The Baby Plan” or want to set up your baby’s Cake Smash, please contact me at info@karenhalbertphotography.com or by clicking on the Contact Me page.
Happy Birthday, Lucy Lane! What a gorgeous little toddler you are becoming!