I am happy to announce that the website is LIVE! Welcome, if you are visiting for the first time. If you’ve been one of the few that has been watching this construction job from inception, what do you think of the progress? A HUGE thanks goes out to my rockstar tech support….Tim Martin…who is an internet guru and master of all things technical (family blog here: http://www.flamingobear.com/). Tim graciously offered up his brainpower to help me get this thing off the ground. Thanks, Tim! As we say in the Halbert house: You ROCK!
Merry Christmas to all! We have had a busy preholiday season around here. Whew! We are looking forward to spending time with our family. Speaking of, do you have an image of YOUR family that you love? I mean, take your breath away, make you sigh, love? I do. And it just came in the mail yesterday. I have looked at it 2,342,234 times in the last 20 hours. It is 16×20 on a 3/4 inch stand out mount (no frame needed.) My only complaint is that it isn’t nearly big enough!!!
our family 2009
It captures our family right at this moment, and I love seeing it as I sit for coffee, watch TV or just pass by during our busy day. If you don’t have an image that you love, I’d love to create that for you in 2010. Families change…let’s capture this moment so you can sigh when you walk by too!
Here is another family image that I know makes this family smile. They have received so many compliments on this image. It truly captures the R family as they are right now.
a happy family
Whatever your photography skills and no matter the equipment, be sure to capture the emotion of the holiday season. It is a season of magic, families, memories and joy. Let your images show that! And Merry Christmas to all of my friends, old and new! May the new year bring happiness and health to you all!