
the week that wasn’t [update] | Nashville Family Photography

Last week I went to Imaging USA 2013, a national photography convention that left me excited, inspired, new product in hand, new ideas a float in my brain and with a hefty inbox of messages to return after my 5 days away.  I expected all of that and was ready to get back and hit the ground running.

What I wasn’t expecting was to be sick.  REALLY sick.  Just as soon as I returned I was knocked down by something flu like.  Not sure what, it seemed viral in nature and today, 5 days later, I’m still fighting a fever and a cough that could rival an 85 year old with emphysema.   And then they started falling, like dominos.  My little ones.  Just hours before my little one’s 5th birthday party, he was added to the ‘down and out’ list.  Our oldest came a few hours later, and it has been a rough couple of days.  The inbox has gone from a handful to a pileful of emails, my voicemail is filling up, and I’m writing to say that in times like these, I’m in full Mommy mode.  Taking care of the boys and myself at this moment is a full time job.  I’m sure we’ll all be fine in a few days, but I just wanted to let you know, in case you think I’ve fallen off of the planet that I’m still around, just working from the trenches.

Always the worthy subject, my sweet now 5 year old attempted to smile at lunch today.  With a 103 fever, I’d say he did a pretty good job.

aren’t these lashes crazy?  my lucky boys…

Happy Birthday, my sweet prince.  You have brought 5 years of absolute joy into our lives.  Please don’t stop being the giant fun personality that is YOU.  Because you are beautifully and wonderfully made.

We promise to throw you a great party next week when you are well enough to enjoy it.  For now, enjoy the presents and the time together as we all snuggle on the couch and try to get well.

So, if you are waiting for something from me, please accept my apologies!  Life has handed us a slight hiccup and we should be back to normal soon.  As soon as I can get these little guys well and back to school I’ll be back to work.  I appreciate your understanding!

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