Ah, Spring. How I love thee! What a beautiful Spring morning I had today with my new friend Ella at a Tea Party! Mom warned me that Ella was shy, but she warmed up quickly to me as we set out for the perfect location for her teddy bear tea party. Ella’s mom wanted to create a storyboard of Ella at a Tea Party for Ella’s Grandma. I’m pretty sure that Ella would’ve spent every morning this week exactly the same way, as she was having such a great time! And what an adorable hostess she was to her bear friends! Big brother Hugh, not much of a fan of tea parties or spring pollen, hung out in the car and joined us for a few images after the party ended.
Thanks, kids, for such a fun morning! You made my ‘work’ day seem like play! Hope you enjoy your sneak peek, Bev. You have such gorgeous children! Thanks for spending part of your spring break with me.
I have no idea how we'll narrow down your image choices! What a doll!