“all I can do is wish you the best of everything…a lifetime of happiness, joy from up above, until then i wish you love!” Those are the lyrics from one of the songs I use for my client’s slideshows. And it’s never more true than on this day of love’s symbolism. Sure, we love each other every day, but do we really express it enough? I’m all for a holiday that gives us a reason to go all out to tell those near and dear to us that we love them.
My boys actually enjoy giving Valentine cards to their friends. Here are their custom valentines for this year…they were a bit last minute with all the sickness we had around here. No formal photo session to prepare but I think they are cute anyway!
here’s a little love I shared with my boys recently on a snow day…
and the entire family as we celebrated little man’s 5th birthday…
whether you are these love birds, celebrating their first year together…
or you are this little love: a super squishy cutie pie that was in the studio yesterday. Isn’t he squeezably soft and yummy?
May you be filled with love today and always! Happy Valentine’s Day to all!
parting shot: