If you are a long time follower of karenhalbert photography (you know, one of my family or dearest supportive friends), you will remember sweet Baby Jason. Jason’s family was one of my first clients back in August when I was just starting out. Someone had to be one of my victims, right? Just kidding. I know that Mom and Dad were thrilled with their images then and I can’t wait to share these new images with them now. I can’t help but think that they’ll be even more thrilled now.
Here’s one of my favorites from their August session:
5 month old baby Jason
And here’s Jason today! Jason was as cute as I remember and now has a full head of curly blond hair. Mom and Dad are looking good, too! Typical of a newly turned 1 year old, he was busy, busy, busy! We had lots of fun and had to laugh at the range of emotions a toddler can run through in an hour or two!
wanna count my teeth?
happy family
Enjoy your sneak peek, Mom, Dad and Grandma…I can’t wait for you to see the rest!