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Real People • beautiful places • Timeless Memories
It started, innocently enough, on the internet. I was introduced to him and was intrigued. One thing led to another and we set up a time to meet: 9:30am in a cafe. I was nervous. I knew I liked him but just didn’t know if the timing was right. After all, I AM married and […]
Today in 2002, just a few minutes ago to be exact, my life changed forever as I was granted the title “Mommy.” What a blessing and responsibility…one that I wouldn’t trade for all the riches on this earth. Many suns have set between then and now, and that gorgeous, perfect, baby has become a beautiful, […]
Headed off to an amazing photography workshop tomorrow to learn more, be better, get inspired; you know, good stuff! Couldn’t help but share this set of images of my cute little man sporting his favorite birthday present, an adorable Puppy backpack. Happy Snow Day!
Our littlest one turned 2 this week. It has been an amazing honor to be a Mommy two times over. If you know me, you know my boys (kids AND Daddy) are my heart. Last year my photography business came to fruition, much in part to the images of Tyler’s Smash Cake session (one image […]
The studio will be closed for a few days as I take a moment for some R&R with the family. Recharging, refueling, regrouping…in warmer weather is the perfect way to prepare for the Spring photography season! For a few days, we’ll be seeing a little less of this… And a bit more of this… If […]