Category-specific content To Guide You Down the Right Path
Real People • beautiful places • Timeless Memories
This adorable couple, 10 years ago, got hitched. They had a boy… and then a girl… and then another girl… who are gorgeous and adorable… and the best part? after 10 years, he can still make her feel like this… parting shot:
Registration is now open! Check out the santa session page here on my website SANTA SESSION INFO and then send an email to me via the contact page or directly to Looking forward to making magical memories for your children! parting shot:
The minis have come and gone. What a whirwind! I bet I look a bit frazzled during the sessions, with each one 20 minutes in length and no buffer (because I’m nuts like that.) Everyone is too kind…they look amazing, they are early, they braved a freezing 50 degree, overcast, damp afternoon and did it […]
spent the afternoon with one of my favorite families…isn’t their happiness contagious? I love my job…really. I’m a lucky girl.