a few of my favorite images
I was thrilled to visit Baby H in his home last week at the ripe old age of 18 days old! Baby H has been a welcomed addition to the family of girls and was a surprise, indeed, since Mom and Dad didn’t find out what they were having until the big day! Mom was hoping to get a birth announcement picture with big sisters E (4) and M (2) along with Baby H and, I’m proud to say, that she has many great images of the 3 of them together to choose from! The girls were gentle with their baby brother and followed my direction so well. Now Mom has the tough decision of choosing which image to add to her custom birth announcements.
Grandmother made the beautiful gown and Baby H was alert and relaxed for some precious images that I know she will adore.
Then we moved on to some sweet images of the tiny newcomer and he was a delight. He slept for most of the session and smiled several times for me, which is a complete bonus! Big sister M looked on often, not quite sure what to think of the crazy lady who was repositioning her new baby brother every which way!
Mom and Dad jumped in for some images with H and, wouldn’t you know it, before long the whole family was in the shot. I couldn’t resist sharing this image…I think it captures real life. The kind of memory and moment that doesn’t always make the photo albums but should. The moments that you try to lock into your memory that very moment that they happen…and pray that you won’t later forget. Elizabeth, I adore this ‘moment in time’ of your family, just as it is right now in the blessings and busyness that comes in the raising of 3 little children. You can’t always plan the perfect shot. Sometimes it sneaks up on you. I hope you cherish this image as much as I do.
Thanks for inviting me to capture Baby H and all his wrinkly, newborn sweetness! He’s a doll and I can’t wait to watch him grow!